Re-purposing fashion
We’ve all noticed changes during Corona times and I’m no exception. I’ve had more time to think and create … and I’ve changed too! I’ve always wanted to be able to repurpose my clothes, but even though I consider that as part of my ethics, it takes mental space to do that.
Well I’ve just completed such a project. As you know, I’ve been using up yarn and fabrics lately to create new collections. Now, I’ve re-purposed an existing garment. I utilised the hem of a dress to create a collar, and I’ve had fun re-designing a new style. There’s a double edge border of stitching which gives my JENNA bolero jacket a soft and detailed look. I’m thrilled with the results. The white linen jacket is a one off. What do you think?
Fashion is changing and I’m thrilled that the message is don’t buy too much, shop for the long term. Be conscious. Let’s repair and recycle. I’m re-starting my Knit and Natter workshops on a Saturday afternoon but now you can also bring along any craft project plus items you’re thinking of re-utilising. I’m sure you’ve all had a clear-out during confinement. Let’s see what we can all do to prevent landfill. Be inspired!