CAPE TOWN DIARY : Back at Design Afrika!
I arrived in Cape Town last Friday, for a delicious 2 months. It's glorious to be in the sun and enjoy the change of scenery, and of course I'm here to buy for my 2024 season, fashion jewellery and homeware. My hostess with the mostess is Binky, the force behind Design Afrika. Her passion for basketry is infectious. Those of you who know my store will have seen how I have acquired the same passion!
Photos from today's out and about in Cape Town:
Imisi, or Cyperus (textilis), freshly harvested and drying out on the terrace.
This reed is used by the local Xhosa weavers to make the range of Xhosa baskets that Binky sells in her store.

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Porcupine baskets, woven from palm leaf, from Zimbabwe

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Contemporary baskets from Namibia

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Design Afrika in the morning Cape Town sun

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Did I tell you how fabulous the food is in this country?

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Idea for my store?

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Malawian basketry on the roadside near Milnerton, Cape Town

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